Longer days

Spring has officially started and with it longer evenings. It gives greater opportunity for those of us who work inside in the day time to get outside in day light hours.
Exercise is good for us physically and mentally but sometimes it is hard to know where to start. I often recommend the NHS app couch to 5k.
If you are, like I was, someone who would look at those who can go for a jog as something of another species then this app can help. It takes the mystery away and guides you very gently through from jogging just for a minute at a time to a full 5k in 9 weeks. I tried it 4 years ago and have maintained jogging as a regular way to exercise since, I wish I had done it before.
Exercise is definitely a gentle lift to the spirits, it is surprising how often a solution to an on going niggle occurs when out an about as well. Why not give it a go?